Millennium Development Goals
Unit 2
University of the People
Millennium Development Goals also are known as MDGs, is where the United Nations all agree to try to accomplish goals by 2015. The first goal is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Second to achieve universal primary education. The third is to promote gender equality and empower women. Forth reduce child mortality. The fifth is to improve maternal health. Sixth to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. Seven to ensure environmental sustainability.
Eight is to develop a global partnership for development. (“Levin Institute (n.d.),” 2019). All of these goals are supposed to be cooperative amongst nations to help better agriculture, trade, and come up with better ways to aid in the health of people around the world.
One goal I believe should be kept in its place, is the goal to eliminate poverty and hunger. I can’t believe we still live in a world where there are people starving. In 2016 there was a study done by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and they showed that 815 million people in the world are starving. 11 million people in the world are undernourished (“World Hunger,” 2018). You would think that with all the advancement we have, we would be further along in being able to feed the hungry. This is unacceptable and this is why I believe it should stay first on the list.
I believe that all the goals are important to keep, but I feel that we need to put a higher importance on child mortality. In this list child, mortality is forth behind gender equality.
I would modify this and make it third. Saving lives to me is one of great importance.
In 2018, 5.3 million children who were under five died from preventative reasons (“Global Health Observatory,”2020) This needs to change.
In conclusion, these goals were to be reached by 2015, but this doesn’t take away from the relevance today. All of the goals from the MDGs still need to be achieved. We need every nation to work together. This way they can find a better way to trade and provide aid in a way to help and benefit the most impoverished people.
Word count 398
Levin Institute (n.d.), (2019) International monetary fund and world bank
World Hunger and Poverty Facts (n.d.), (2018), retrieved from
Global Health Observatory, (n.d.), (2020), retrieved from
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